maria sibylla merian centre conviviality-inequality in latin america
USP – FFLCH (Sala 14)
Mecila is supporting a four-part lecture series on “Mobilities and Migration across the Americas,” organized by Albert Manke (Pacific Regional Office of the German Historical Institute Washington at the University of California, Berkeley) and Mario Peters (GHI Washington). The third […]
We would like to invite you to the panel discussion “Mexico and the United States: Frontierization and Migration Policies”, organized by GHI West. The online event will take place on Friday (26.02), at 9-10:30 a.m. (GMT-8:00), with Kateřina Březinová (Metropolitan […]
Public security is a persistent topic of debate in Latin America, often used as political currency by actors who ignore the most advanced discussions in the field and rely on failed and outdated management models. To formulate public security policies, […]
Brasilien im multiplen Krisenmodus Brasilien durchläuft aktuell mehrere, simultane Krisen: Politisch setzt der Zuwachs des Rechtsextremismus die demokratischen Institutionen sowie das demokratische Miteinander immer mehr unter Druck. Wirtschaftlich verfestigt sich die seit 2015 anhaltende Stagnation durch die politische Verharmlosung der […]
Conferencia virtual organizada por el Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut en cooperación con Mecila. Entre la etnofilología del Quechua y la taxonomía de cuises, entre el comercio de colibríes y la explotación de guano, el naturalista suizo Johann Jakob von Tschudi publicó Untersuchungen […]