The Biblioteca Mecila-CLACSO seeks to publish research results in a wide range of subjects, issues and disciplines at the intersection of conviviality and inequality in Latin America produced in the framework of the international cooperation promoted by Mecila. In addition to traditional academic formats, such as individually authored books and edited volumes, the series promotes flexible publishing formats, including keynote lectures, thematic anthologies and translations of cutting-edge research in the field of conviviality-inequality. Following the Centre’s multilingual approach, books are published in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. To foster ongoing dialogue and collaboration, the series will also hold yearly calls inviting scholars and researchers in the Mecila research network to submit book proposals. All volumes will be available in Open Access.
Series editors: Laura Flamand (El Colegio de México), Gesine Müller (Universität zu Köln), and Ramiro Segura (Universidad Nacional de La Plata).
Vol. 1

Mecila (ed.)
Arjun Appadurai, Sérgio Costa, Tilmann Heil, Fernando Baldraia, Nilma L. Gomes, Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Maya Manzi, Peter Wade, Claudia Briones, Ramiro Segura, João José Reis, Raquel Rojas Scheffer, Gabriel Feltran.
ISBN 978-987-813-216-7
CLACSO. Mecila.
Buenos Aires. São Paulo.
June 2022
Vol. 2

Gesine Müller, Jan Knobloch (ed.)
Jan Knobloch, Gesine Müller, Mark Anderson, James Berger, Gloria Beatriz Chicote, Elsa Drucaroff, Jörg Dünne, Sophie Esch, Robert Folger, Carlos Fonseca, Carlos F. Grigsby, Gustavo Guerrero, Anne Kraume, Jorge L. Locane, Ilse Logie, Christoph Müller, Ramiro Segura, Jürgen Wertheimer, Bieke Willem, Jan-Henrik Witthaus.
ISBN 978-987-813-784-1
CLACSO. Mecila.
Buenos Aires. São Paulo.
June 2024
Vol. 3

Samuel Barbosa, Osvaldo Barreneche, Tilmann Heil (ed.)
Tilmann Heil, Osvaldo Barreneche, Samuel Barbosa, Thomas Duve, Armando Guevara Gil, José Rodrigo Rodriguez, Elisa Speckman Guerra, Raquel R. Sirotti, Agustín E. Casagrande.
ISBN 978-987-813-812-1
CLACSO. Mecila.
Buenos Aires. São Paulo.
July 2024
Vol. 4

Susanne Klengel, Gloria Beatriz Chicote (ed.)
Susanne Klengel, Gloria Beatriz Chicote, José Luis de Diego, Jörg Dünne, Patrick Eser, Laura Gentilezza, Claudia Hammerschmidt, Alejandra Mailhe, Gesine Müller, Christoph Müller, Friedhelm Schmidt-Welle, Nicolás Suárez, Liliana Weinberg.
ISBN 978-987-813-865-7
CLACSO. Mecila.
Buenos Aires. São Paulo.
November 2024

2024 – Closed Call
Biblioteca Mecila-CLACSO: Studies in Conviviality-Inequality
The Biblioteca Mecila-CLACSO, published by Mecila and the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales – CLACSO, is inviting book proposals from former and current members of Mecila’s research community after the successful 2023 call.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of conviviality-inequality.
Kind regards,
Laura Flamand, Gesine Müller, Ramiro Segura (Series Editors), and Joaquim Toledo Jr. (Academic editor – Mecila)
The series aims to publish individual and collective research results produced within Mecila’s international cooperation framework and disseminate contents from events organised and promoted by the Centre. It encompasses a wide range of topics, problems, and disciplines at the intersection of conviviality and inequality in Latin America. Alongside traditional academic formats, the Biblioteca Mecila-CLACSO encourages flexible publishing formats, such as keynote lectures, thematic anthologies, and translations of cutting-edge research in the field.
- Each book in the series typically consists of 300 pages (around 90 thousand words) and is available in print and online formats on open access.
- Priority will be given to book proposals containing unpublished material that can be completed within six months after approval.
- The peer-review evaluation will assess the proposal’s overall quality, originality, and suitability for the series.
(Please note that all items in the proposal must be compiled and submitted as a single PDF file.)
Cover letter: Please provide a cover letter explaining the work’s scope and current status, including the working title, table of contents, and language(s) of the book.
Biographical information: Briefly introduce the editors and authors involved.
Introduction or sample chapter: Include a 10 to 15-thousand-word introduction or sample chapter that offers an overview of the book’s subjects and approach.
Chapter abstracts: Include a 300-word abstract for each chapter, highlighting the main content, methods, and objectives.
Word count estimate: Provide an estimate of the total word count, ensuring it does not exceed 90 thousand words to maintain conciseness and focus.
All final manuscripts must strictly adhere to Clacso’s Manual de normas editoriales (2021). Mecila’s editorial office will provide this manual in advance to the authors and organizers of all approved projects. Manuscripts that deviate from this style sheet will not be accepted.
Books written in Spanish, Portuguese, English and German are welcome. Books can also be in more than one language. The series provides limited support for translations and language editing for non-native speakers.
Proposals must be submitted by 12 July 2024.
To submit a proposal or obtain further information on the submission process, please contact academic editor Joaquim Toledo Jr. at