Mecila studies the multiple interrelations of conviviality and inequality from an interdisciplinary perspective. It focuses on processes of negotiation, legitimation, contestation, and transformation of existing hierarchies as they take place in everyday interactions and within institutions. The historical, environmental, economic, social, and political contexts in which these interactions occur, as well as their representations, are of central relevance.
The Centre is committed to research excellence, as well as to the production, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge relevant to social transformations towards the strengthening of democracy, the reduction of social and power asymmetries, and sustainable nature-society relations.
Speakers: Carlos Alba (Colmex), Samuel Barbosa (USP), Barbara Potthast (UzK)
Coordinator: Tilmann Heil (UzK)
The RA [Hi]Stories of Conviviality analyses how the nexus between conviviality and inequality takes shape in different historical contexts and is presented and represented in discourses and cultural, socioeconomic, and legal manifestations.
Speakers: Gloria Chicote (IdIHCS), Barbara Göbel (IAI), Susanne Klengel (FU Berlin)
Coordinator: Clara Ruvituso (IAI)
Medialities of Conviviality focuses on processes of co-production and circulation of knowledge and representations in convivial and unequal contexts, including structures, networks, and flows of ideas, values, imaginaries, and objects.
Speakers: Sérgio Costa (FU Berlin), Juan Piovani (UNLP), Marta Machado (Cebrap)
Coordinator: Raquel Rojas (FU Berlin)
The RA Politics of Conviviality studies the articulation and negotiation of differences and inequalities in everyday life and within institutions.