Clara Ruvituso is researcher at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut in Berlin and Postdoctoral Investigator in Mecila, where she coordinates the Research Area “Medialities of Conviviality”. Her doctoral thesis analyzed the controversial reception of Martin Heidegger in Argentina. Currently, she focuses on a much less researched direction of the circulation of knowledge: from South to North. Clara’s main research interest in the framework of conviviality concerns the analysis of inequalities, entanglements and transformations in the production and transregional circulation of Southern Theories. In her project at Mecila, she analyses the circulation of Latin American dependency theories in France and Germany, comparing processes of translation, appropriation, modification and exchanges within structures marked by inequality and difference.
Clara is a sociologist from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and obtained her PhD in Political Science from the Universität Rostock within the framework of the DFG-Graduate School “Cultural Encounters and Discourses of Scholarship”. Until August 2020, she was lecturer and researcher at the Universität Rostock in Political Sciences (2013-2018) and at the Freie Universität Berlin in Sociology (2019-2020). She was a visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3).
Recent publications:
Birle, Peter/ Fernández, Enrique/ Ruvituso, Clara (ed.) (2021): Las izquierdas latinoamericanas y europeas: Idearios, praxis y sus circulaciones transregionales en la larga década del sesenta. Iberoamericana/ Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main / Madrid.
Ruvituso, Clara (2021): “Southern Theories und die Öffnung des sozialwissenschaftlichen Kanons: Darcy Ribeiros (vergessener) Beitrag zur Gesellschaftstheorie”, in: Leviathan. Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 49 (2), 266-285.
Ruvituso, Clara (2020): “Southern Theories in Northern Circulation: Analysing the translation of Latin American dependency theories into German”, in: Tapuya. Latin American Sciences, Technology and Society, 00, 0, 1-15, Online: Routledge.
Ruvituso, Clara (2019): “From the South to the North: The circulation of Latin American dependency theories in the Federal Republic of Germany”, in: Current Sociology, 68, 1, 22-40.
Ruvituso, Clara (2019): “Sozialwissenschaftliche Lateinamerikaforschung in der BRD“, in: Werz, Nikolaus; Maihold, Günther; Sangmeister, Harmut (eds.) Lateinamerika. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 93-102.