maria sibylla merian centre conviviality-inequality in latin america
Auerbach Institut, Cologne, Germany
1 day in-person workshop on Friday, 12 November 2021 Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America (Mecila)/ Department of Iberian and Latin American History at the University of Cologne Room 4.016, Hauptgebäude, Ground Floor, University of Cologne The Workshop aims at […]
Mecila Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum 2021 Encruzilhadas are crossroads or intersections of encounter, contact, and interplay which challenge and question, make suffer, or empower and regenerate. Conceptually grounded in subaltern epistemologies, encruzilhadas refer to encountered uncertainties, crucial moments of decision taking, […]
Brasil e Alemanha debatem os efeitos da pandemia na sociedade em transformação Em três eventos virtuais em novembro, o Centro Alemão de Ciência e Inovação (DWIH) São Paulo reúne especialistas dos dois países para debater os desdobramentos da pandemia nos […]
Amazonien im Fokus wirtschaftlicher Interessen und der globalen Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise – was muss getan werden, um den Regenwald dauerhaft zu erhalten und die Rechte seiner Bewohner*innen zu verteidigen? Mittwoch, 27.10.21, 18-20:00 Uhr Online-Podiumsveranstaltung via Zoom (Simultanverdolmetschung deutsch-portugiesisch) Wir bitten […]
Diálogo II: El tortuoso camino de la paz: derechos humanos y memoria en América Latina Martes 26 de octubre 12.00 a 13.30 horas Argentina/Brasil Dialogan: Elizabeth Jelin Centro de Investigaciones Sociales IDES-CONICET (Argentina) Lucia González (Colombia) Silvia Borelli. Grupo de Trabajo […]
Situating dementia prevention in Brazil – a study on difference and inequalities 20.10.21 | 12:45-13:30(BRT)/ 17:45-19:30 (CEST) Public lecture of Annette Leibing (Université de Montréal) Discussant: Prof. Dr. Lawrence Cohen (University of California, Berkeley) Chair: Dr. Tilmann Heil (Mecila) Register […]
Impacto de la crisis del coronavirus en las desigualdades sociales y la convivialidad en América Latina 15.10 – 11h (MEX)/ 13h (BRT)/ 18h (CEST) La crisis del coronavirus se presenta muchas veces como un tubo de ensayo en lo cual […]
Diálogo 1: Género y trabajo: hacia las normativas para la equidad en América Latina Martes 5 de octubre de 12h – 13h30 (GMT-3) Palabras de apertura: Karina Batthyány (Clacso) y Estela Díaz (Ministra de Mujeres, Políticas de Género y Diversidad […]
Inclusion and diversity have marked the demands of social movements in the 21st century. With the concept intersectionality, inspired by feminist movements in the US, the academic field aims to understand how various interdependent conditions of oppression and inequality–class, gender, religion, ethnicity, skin colour, citizenship, migration, geography, […]
In Latin America and elsewhere, the concept of legal pluralism has occupied a central position in different research and in various fields such as sociology, anthropology and legal history. This concept has been productive in reflecting on the formation of […]