19 Feb

[2020] Open Seminar Mecila-Cebrap

From Hatred of Difference to Identity Compulsion: Authoritarian Personality Today


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From Hatred of Difference to Identity Compulsion:
Authoritarian Personality Today

How a classic concept stemming from Critical Theory such as that of authoritarian personality can be mobilized in order to face current social contexts? This is the question addressed by Karin Stögner, Professor of Sociology at the University of Passau (Germany), on her open lecture at the Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (Cebrap). Prof. Stögner will discuss the present form of authoritarian character, its relation to individualism, and what roles conceptions of difference have for different social and political perspectives.

Karin Stögner is a professor of Sociology at the University of Passau. She has been a visting professor at the University of Viena, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main and has been a visiting researcher in Israel, at the United Kingdom and the United States. Her main areas of investigation are social theory, with an emphasis on critical theory and feminist theories, political sociology, social inequalities sociology and gender relations sociology. She is the author of Antissemitism and Sexism – Historical-social Constellations (Antisemitismus und Sexismus. Historisch-gesellschaftliche Konstellationen) and one of the editors of the Handbook of Prejudice.

Join us on February 19th, 14h30, at Cebrap.