


[2024] Informalities, Conviviality and Inequality in Latin America

Mecila Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum 2024


[2024] Informalities, Conviviality and Inequality in Latin America

Mecila Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum 2024

Image: Carlos Alba

The Mecila Annual Meeting is the central platform to present and discuss the main interdisciplinary research results of the Mecila community together with invited researchers. It plays an important role for the articulation of the three Mecila Research Areas. The Young Researchers Forum has the specific objective to foster the international exchange and networking of early career researchers, addressing specific challenges and making visible their research contributions. This year, the Ibero-Amerikanisches Intitut is the main organizer of the Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum, as this responsibility rotates among the German institutions of the Mecila consortium. Back to back to The Mecila Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum the consortium’s board meetings will take place.

The Mecila Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum 2024 “Informalities, Conviviality and Inequality in Latin America” is conceptually framed by Mecila’s annual theme “Informalities”. We are particularly interested in convivial contexts of informalities that are shaped by inequalities and differences. Multidimensional studies of informality have a long tradition in Latin American social sciences. The concept addresses relations, practices, and norms of subaltern social agents or groups that are in tension with established legal frameworks, public institutions, or formal work relations. This includes more intimate spheres such as domestic work as well as public spaces such as urban markets or illegal settlements. Cultural production is also subject to transitions between the formal and the informal and vice versa. This transformation of the status of media has symbolic and economic implications and modifies circulation regimes. Thus, we are interested in understanding different dimensions of informal conviviality as processes of negotiation and transformation that point to interstices and interdependencies in different settings: How urban and cultural spaces flesh out dynamics of informal practices and representations? How they constitute alternative niche regimes that have their own logics and dynamics of institutionalization and creativity? Does the impact of inequalities differ for women, men and/or sexual dissidences depending on whether we explore (more) formal or (more) informal settings? What ways does the relationship between illegality and informalities define dynamics of violence and exclusion?

During the event, the most recent publications by the Mecila Book Series “Biblioteca Mecila-Clacso” will be presented, showing the interdisciplinary and interconnected efforts of all Mecila Research Areas.

07.10 – 10.10: Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros – Universidade de São Paulo
11.10: Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP)


All times are shown according to the Brazilian Time (BRT).



Welcome Addresses

Sérgio Costa, Freie Universität Berlin / Spokesperson of Mecila
Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Jr., Rector, Universidade de São Paulo
Monica Dantas, Director, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros USP
Adrian Gurza Lavalle, President, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento
Martina Hackelberg, Consul General, Deutsches Generalkonsulat São Paulo


Opening Panel: General Framing and Conceptual Introduction to the Conference

Chair: Marcos Nobre, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento / Mecila Principal Investigator
Barbara Göbel, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut / Mecila Principal Investigator
Laura Flamand, El Colegio de México / Mecila Principal Investigator


Coffee Break


Panel I: Urban and Cultural Spaces of Informalities,
Inequality, and Conviviality

Chair: Tilmann Heil, Universität zu Köln / Mecila Postdoctoral Investigator

Antonella Delmonte Allasia, Universidad de Buenos Aires / Mecila Thematic Research Fellow
Ways of Making a Living in the Garment Industry

María José Álvarez Rivadulla, Universidad de Los Andes
Care beyond the State and with the State

Bianca Freire-Medeiros, Universidade de São Paulo
Epistemology of the “laje” Revisited

Carlos Alba, El Colegio de México / Mecila Principal Investigator
Notes for an Interpretation of the Popular Feast

Discussant: Fraya Frehse, Universidade de São Paulo


Lunch Break


Short Mecila Book Presentation I

Gesine Müller / Jan Knobloch 2024 (ed.): “Escrituras de lo post-global
en América Latina. Futuros especulativos entre colapso y convivialidad”,
Biblioteca Mecila-CLACSO Vol. 2

Presenter: Gesine Müller, Universität zu Köln / Mecila Principal Investigator


Exploring Informalities through Spoken Poetry
and Theatre

Chair: Tomaz Amorim, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Academic Manager

Performance of Spoken Poetry by Daniel Minchoni; Eveline Sin

Presentation of the Theater Group “Coletivo Sá Menina”, São Paulo


Coffee Break


Panel II: Gender Inequalities in (In)formal Settings

Chair: Raquel Rojas, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Postdoctoral Investigator

Talja Blokland, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Mecila Senior Fellow
Morals of Mothering through Neighborly Conviviality: Informality, Formality, and Exclusions among Mothers in Berlin

Izadora Xavier do Monte, Mecila Junior Fellow
Militarized Conviviality in Brazil: How Women Theorize Race and Resistance to Violence in Brazilian “Favelas” and “Periferias”

Laura Flamand, El Colegio de México / Mecila Principal Investigator
Social Protection for Women with (In)formal Jobs. The Social Policy of the López Obrador Government in Mexico (2018-2024)

Discussant: Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main / Mecila International Advisory Board



Panel III: National and Transnational Spaces of Informalities and Illegality

Chair: Peter Birle, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut / Mecila Principal Investigator

Cristina Teixeira Marins, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / Mecila Thematic Research Fellow
Informality in the Platform Economy: Social Media, Labor and Politics in Brazil

Manuel Santos Silva, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Principal Investigator
Gender and Vulnerable Employment in the Global South: Evidence from Global Microdata

Ramiro Segura, Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Associated Investigator
Out of Place. Notes on Informality, Regulation, and Urban Order

Marcial A. Garcia Suarez, Universidade Federal Fluminense / Mecila Senior Fellow
Transnational Organized Crime and Hybrid Governance in Latin America: Brazil and Mexico

Discussant: Georg Wink, University of Copenhagen / São Paulo Research Visit


Coffee Break


Panel IV: Through the Lens of ConvivialityInequality. Literary Perspectives on Informalities

Chair: Gloria Chicote, IdIHCS, Conicet / Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Principal Investigator

Fernando Nina, Universität Heidelberg / Mecila Senior Fellow
Forms of Self-Enactment as a Baroque Counter-Discourse in the 17th Century: Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala

Roger Friedlein, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Mecila Senior Fellow
Latin American Epic Poetry in the Dynamics of Informalisation

Mário Augusto Medeiros da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento / Mecila Principal Investigator
For the Activism of the Words: Anthologies, Exhibitions, Meetings and Critics about the African-Brazilian Literature in the 1980s

Susanne Klengel, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Principal Investigator
“Milena Berlin”: Literary In/formality and Poetic Conviviality

Discussant: Gesine Müller, Universität zu Köln / Mecila Principal Investigator


Lunch break


Short Mecila Book Presentation II

Samuel Barbosa / Osvaldo Barreneche / Tilmann Heil 2024 (eds.): “Normative
Multiplicity. Entanglements and Frictions of Conviviality, Multinormativity and
Legal Pluralism”, Biblioteca Mecila-Clacso Vol. 3

Presenters: Samuel Barbosa, Universidade de Sao Paulo / Mecila Principal Investigator;
Tilmann Heil, Universität zu Köln / Mecila Postdoctoral Investigator


Breakout Groups: Informalities through the Lens
of the Mecila Research Areas

Group A: Medialities of Conviviality 
Room: Auditório 2
Chair: Clara Ruvituso, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut / Mecila Postdoctoral Investigator

Group B: [Hi-]Stories of Conviviality
Room: 9
Chair: Tilmann Heil, Universität zu Köln / Mecila Postdoctoral Investigator

Group C: Politics of Conviviality
Room: 10
Chair: Raquel Rojas, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Postdoctoral Investigator


Coffee break


Roundtable I: The Experiences of Mecila and CALAS. Conviviality, Inequality and Crisis as Critical Perspectives from the Global South

Chair: Marianne Braig, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Ethics Committee

Tomaz Amorim, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Academic Manager
Jochen Kemner, Universität Kassel / CALAS Academic Manager
Jaime Preciado Coronado, Universidad de Guadalajara / Mexican Co-Director CALAS
Bianca Tavolari, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento / Mecila Principal



Informalities in Brazil from the Perspective of the Archives: Visiting the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, USP

Chair: Monica Dantas, Directora Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, USP / Mecila Associated Investigator
Archivists: Adriano de Castro Meyer; Dina E. Uliana Elisabet; Paulo J. Moura Palumbo; Elisabete Marin Ribas; Valéria Valente, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, USP
Librarians: Daniela Piantola; Denise de Almeida Silva; Márcia Dias; Silvana Bonifácio, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, USP


Lunch Break


Short Mecila Book Presentation III

Gloria Chicote / Susanne Klengel 2024 (eds.) “Convivialidades literarias: entre
observación, descripción y creación”, Biblioteca Mecila-Clacso Vol. 4

Presenters: Gloria Chicote, IdIHCS, Conicet / Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Principal Investigator; Susanne Klengel, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Principal Investigator


Panel V: Histories of Informalities. Beyond Methodological Nationalism and Eurocentrism

Chair: Barbara Potthast, Universität zu Köln, Mecila Principal Investigator

Alain El Youssef, Mecila Junior Fellow
Inequalities in Historical Perspective: Notes on the Theory of Historical Times

Ina Kerner, Universität Koblenz / Mecila Senior Fellow
Inequality, Conviviality, and Solidarity: A Postcolonial Theory View

Krista Lillemets, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Junior Fellow
Coexisting Labor Configurations in Brazil’s Recent Historiography: A Peripheral Approach to Macro-Micro Entanglements

Discussant: Silke Hensel, Universität zu Köln / Mecila Associated Investigator


Coffee Break


Young Researchers Forum Panel I: Medialities in Transition. Between Formal and Informal Regimes

Chair: Clara Ruvituso, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut / Mecila Postdoctoral Investigator

Lara Denise Oliveira Silva, Universidade Estadual do Vale do Acaraú
Wordcity Cartography

Christoph Müller, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut / Mecila Principal Investigator
Literary-Artistic Representations of Convivial Contexts: Comic, (Fan)zine, Graffiti

Ornela Boix, Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Thematic Research Fellow
Formality and Informality in “Independent” Music Markets in Latin American

Anna Julia von Sigsfeld, Ethnologisches Museum – Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Mecila Junior Fellow
Museum Ethics and Informalities

Discussant: Peter W. Schulze, Universität zu Köln, Mecila Principal Investigator



Young Researchers Forum Panel II: Projects of Mecila Doctoral Researchers

Chair: Moacyr Novaes, Universidade de São Paulo / Mecila Principal Investigator

Philipp Seidel, Freie Universität Berlin / Mecila Invited Doctoral Researcher
Perlongher’s Night Wanderings: Getting Dirty in the City of São Paulo

Isabela Maia Pereira de Jesus, Universität zu Köln / Mecila Doctoral Researcher
The Construction of Subjectivities and the Mythopoetic: Analyzing Hilda Hilst and Carola Saavedra

Pâmilla Vilas Boas Costa Ribeiro, Universidade de São Paulo / Mecila Doctoral Researcher
Life is a Backwater: Performance and Narrative in the Batuque of Ponto Chique in the Context of Environmental Change

Discussant: Stephanie Schütze, Freie Universität Berlin, Mecila Principal Investigator


Coffee Break


Young Researchers Forum Panel III: Projects of Mecila Doctoral Researchers

Chair: Rúrion Melo, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento / Mecila Principal Investigator

Francisco Javier Sibaja Madera, El Colegio de México / Mecila Doctoral Researcher
Land, Crops, and Livestock: Agrarian and Environmental History of the Colombian Caribbean Valleys of Sinú and San Jorge

Tomás Schierenbeck, Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Doctoral Researcher
The Plots of Identity: “Argentinisches Wochenblatt” and the Construction of a Cultural Reference in the German-Argentine Communities (1939-1945)

Agustina Luques, Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Doctoral Researcher
Students Agendas in the Construction of University Policies in Argentina

Discussant: Jeffrey Lesser, Emory University / Mecila International Advisory Board


Lunch Break


Short Mecila Book Presentation IV

Piovani, Juan / Chicote, Gloria 2024 (eds.) “Convivialidades políticas y sociales
en la pospandemia”, CLACSO.

Presenters: Gloria Chicote, IdIHCS, Conicet / Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Principal Investigator; Juan Piovani, IdIHCS, Conicet / Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Principal Investigator


Roundtable II: How to Connect Formal and Informal Knowledge Productions? Strategies to Overcome Asymmetries

Chair: Juan Piovani, IdIHCS, Conicet / Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Mecila Principal Investigator

Guilherme Bianchi Moreira, Universidade de São Paulo
João Marcos de Almeida Lopes, Universidade de São Paulo
José Rodrigo Rodriguez, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento / Mecila Associated Investigator
Astrid Ulloa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / Mecila Associated Investigator


Coffee Break


Final Panel: Wrapping up, Lessons Learned and
Looking Forward

Chair: Samuel Barbosa, Universidade de São Paulo / Mecila Principal Investigator
Closing Remarks
Sérgio Costa, Freie Universität Berlin / Spokesperson of Mecila


At Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP).


General Assembly


Coffee Break


Forum Third Phase


Lunch Break


Advisory and Executive Board Meetings


Coordination Office Meeting

Mecila thanks the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB-USP) and the Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP) for its facilities and technical support.

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