28 Mar

From Dependencia to Buen Vivir: Reception of Latin American Development Approaches in Germany

BMZ Lateinamerika-Karibik Woche

IAI - Berlin

About the event

The critical development theory perspectives from Latin America with global circulation include the dependencia approaches of the 1960s and 1970s. Since the beginning of the XXI century, the indigenous-influenced concept of Buen Vivir has also been strongly received. In the 1970s, the dependencia approaches emphasized the asymmetrical structural interconnections between the South and the North in global capitalism. Their critique became a central part of the narrative of the Third World and solidarity movements. The concept of Buen Vivir (also Sumak Kawsay) refers to indigenous values in the Andean region that link the universal right to a good life and the rights of nature and thus question Western paradigms of prosperity and consumption. In the panel discussion with Thomas Fatheuer (Berlin) and Clara Ruvituso (IAI/Mecila, Berlin), Dependencia and Buen Vivir will be outlined as two Latin American contributions to the global development theory debate. In addition, the reception of these concepts in Germany and the effects on the development debates here, also in comparison with countries such as France, will be discussed. Chair: Peter Birle (IAI/Mecila, Berlin)

In the framework of the Latin America-Caribbean Week of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The event will be held in German. Register here.

Image: © Cancillería Ecuador (CC BY-SA 2.0), via Wikimedia Commons