Jerónimo Pinedo is a Social Sciences graduate (Licenciatura and Magister) from the UNLP. He obtained his doctoral degree in Social Sciences from the UNGS (National University of General Sarmiento) and the Institute of Economic and Social Development (IDES). He is Adjunct Professor in the field of analysis of Argentinian society in the Sociology Department of the Faculty for Humanities and Educational Sciences of the UNLP. Additionally, he is a member of the research staff of CISH-IdIHCS-FaHCE group (Centre of Socio-historical Research, Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences Research) of the same university. He is a specialist in the areas recent Argentinan history, mass culture (clases populares), collective movements, cultural studies, and academic community outreach. Currently, he is actively involved in the UNLP’s outreach activities in an organising capacity.
Project: Moral economies and precarious conviviality in two Latin-American metropolitan areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic*
This project investigates the precarious structures of conviviality and the practical strategies of the working classes (clases populares) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It focuses on the daily life and collective initiatives of the inhabitants of two urban peripheries, specifically on four aspects: health, living space, labour, and access to food. What kind of effects did the pandemic have on these aspects of life? What types of interactions, practical knowledge, and tools for conviviality were brought into play to carry on living? What conflicts, transformations, inventions, and ways of adapting are emerging in the conviviality of the metropolitan periphery in the face of the spreading virus, public policy to combat its proliferation, and the pandemic’s devastating and multifaceted consequences for individual and collective life?
Main discipline: Sociology
Selected publications:
• Pinedo, Jerónimo (2019): “Oficio, oficiantes y extensión universitaria. Notas a favor de una sociología modesta en una universidad de poros abiertos“, in: Cuestiones de sociología, 21, e081.
• Pinedo, Jerónimo (2020): “Repertorios represivos y repertorios de resistencia. Aproximaciones desde la experiencia de los obreros industriales de la zona sur del Gran Buenos Aires durante la última dictadura cívico militar (1976 y 1981)”, in: Zorzoli, Luciana and Mazzano, Juan P. (eds.), Clase obrera y dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983). Nuevos estudios sobre conflictividad y cambios estructurales, Argentina: EDITORIAL A CONTRACORRIEN.
• Pinedo, Jerónimo and Segura, Ramiro (2020): “Espacios, velocidades y senderos. Sobre algunas dinámicas espaciales de la Pandemia“, in: Escenarios, 32, 20.
• Pinedo, Jerónimo (ed.) (2021a): La Plata: Entre los libros de la buena memoria [forthcoming], FaHCE.
• Pinedo, Jerónimo (2021b): “Zona sur. Urdimbres de la acción colectiva popular en el Gran Buenos Aires (1974-1989)”, in: Pinedo, Jerónimo (ed.), La Plata: Entre los libros de la buena memoria [forthcoming], FaHCE.
• Pinedo, Jerónimo (2021c): “Misas, peregrinaciones y manifestaciones. Acción colectiva popular en el Gran Buenos Aires en dictadura (1976-1981)”, in: Clepsidra, Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios sobre Memoria, [forthcoming].