maria sibylla merian centre conviviality-inequality in latin america
Auerbach Institut, Cologne, Germany
Mecila-Unicamp Lectures Ciclo de conferências: Metamorfoses da Literatura no Tempo das Imagens 29 novembro 2023 | 15h Prof. Dr. Jörn Etzold (Senior Fellow do Mecila | University of Bochum) Beyond the […]
Date: 21-22 November 2023 Place: USP/ FFLCH, São Paulo Organization: Tomaz Amorim (Mecila Academic Manager, Freie Universität Berlin), Jörn Etzold (Senior Fellow, University of Bochum) and Rúrion Melo (Mecila Principal Investigator, Universidade de São Paulo) Abstract The term […]
Workshop de dança e percussão organizado no contexto da pesquisa «Os espaços invisíveis da cidadania: a música como mediadora do pertencimento transnacional» de nosso Urban Narratives Fellow Caio da Silveira Fernandes. Participam como instrutores Zée Merveille, Damba Fode, Facinet Toure […]
El propósito del taller es discutir la situación de los pueblos indígenas, la identidad y el patrimonio en América Latina con atención especial a Brasil, Colombia y México. Esta actividad se realiza en seguimiento al Taller sobre indigenismos con sociedad […]
Die Filme von Alberto Guarani in der Filmpalette 06.-08.11.2023 Eine Retrospektive der Filme von Alberto Guarani mit anschließendem Gespräch mit dem Regisseur Moderiert und ins Deutsche verdolmetscht von Peter W. Schulze und Carola Saavedra Das filmische Werk von Alberto Guarani […]
Centres of Advanced Studies as Convivial Spaces of Knowledge Production 1st Mecila Alumni Symposium Berlin, 2-4 November 2023 Seeking to intensify academic cooperation in the humanities and social sciences between Germany and the Global South, the German Federal Ministry of […]
The research programme framing the international fellowship programme of Mecila seeks to further insights into the processes of negotiation, legitimation, contestation, and transformation of existing hierarchies as they take place in everyday interactions and within institutions. The historical, environmental, economic, […]
Mecila e Goethe-Institut tem o prazer de anunciar o evento «Arte Para Quem? Reflexões Sobre Produção Estética e Participação Social», que faz parte da série de eventos promovidos pelo Mecila durante o seu Encontro Anual 2023. A representação nas artes […]
Mecila Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum 2023 The Mecila Annual Meeting and Young Researchers Forum 2023 “Medialities of Conviviality – Inequality in Latin America” is conceptually shaped by Mecila’s annual theme “Medialities”. It focusses on how asymmetries of knowledge […]
With the growing demand for internationalization in academic knowledge production, the well-desired cooperation between international and transnational partners, especially between institutions from the so-called Global North and South, is often challenged by asymmetrical conditions of research, publication, outreach, impact and […]