maria sibylla merian centre conviviality-inequality in latin america
Auerbach Institut, Cologne, Germany
28-29 June 2023, Seminar Room 3.03, Global South Studies Centre, University of Cologne A Workshop on the narrative dimension of urban conviviality-inequality, Research Area [Hi]Stories of Conviviality, Mecila and Global South Studies Centre, University of Cologne Active participants: Ajay Gandhi […]
There is a square in Santiago where, from time to time and in unexpected ways, it is possible to see politics in play. Seeing here is literal, not only because the square is the traditional place where demonstrations take place in the city, […]
La Plata, 21st – 23rd June 2023 The Mecila Thematic Workshop “Knowledge, Medialities and Information Infrastructures: New Convivialities? Old Inequalities?” organized by the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz and the Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdHICS/Conicet, Universidad […]
The Mecila Distinguished Lecture “Regional Governance and Conviviality in Latin America: The Limits of Inter-presidentialism” by Thomas Legler (Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México) takes place on June 6 – 10:30am, at USP, with comments of Cristiane Lucena Carneiro (IRI/USP). The […]
En el marco del área de investigación medialidades de la convivialidad de Mecila/IAI, el workshop abordará la construcción de representaciones e imaginarios sobre figuras emblemáticas y conflictos bélicos en diferentes empresas de edición popular en América Latina. En ese marco, […]
Inclusion and diversity have marked the demands of social movements in the 21st century. With the concept intersectionality, inspired by feminist movements in the US, the academic field aims to understand how various interdependent conditions of oppression and inequality–class, gender, religion, ethnicity, skin colour, citizenship, migration, geography, […]
Ringvorlesung Lateinamerika im Sommersemester 2023 Prof. Dr. Debora Gerstenberger & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter W. Schulze Do. 16.00-17.30 Seminarraum S11 (Philosophikum)
La Mecila Distinguished Lecture “Letra y metralla: Cultura y política durante los períodos de conflictos armados en México y Centroamérica (1910-2020)” de Sophie Esch (Rice University) ocurre el 13 de abril – 2pm, en CEBRAP, con comentarios de Jaime Ginzburg […]
The critical development theory perspectives from Latin America with global circulation include the dependencia approaches of the 1960s and 1970s. Since the beginning of the XXI century, the indigenous-influenced concept of Buen Vivir has also been strongly received. In the […]
28 de março de 2023, 13h00-18h00 Para a maior parte dos analistas, as primeiras semanas de governo do Presidente Lula indicam, em primeiro lugar, que seu mandato será dedicado à defesa da democracia e à reconstrução de instituições e políticas […]