maria sibylla merian centre conviviality-inequality in latin america
Auerbach Institut, Cologne, Germany
Las memorias locales, las memorias de pueblos y barrios, se plasman en imágenes, objetos y narrativas. Objetos que han quedado atados a experiencias territorialmente situadas en las trayectorias de pionerxs, en las fábricas y empresas que modularon formas de vivir, […]
The universal interest in material culture has always offered a place for the encounter of knowledges from different cultures. But how do these knowledges circulate in a complex social context? How have our practices of knowledge impacted the knowledges of […]
Thematic Workshop Latin American Knowledges in Circulation Mediating Differences in Convivial Contexts 14th – 16th September 2022 Tuesday, 13th September 2022 18.00 – 20.00 Public Lecture | Medialisation in Science: From Idealism to Virtualism Ana María Cetto Universidad Nacional Autónoma […]
Throughout history, diverse currents have played out in the field of the theory of knowledge, with the confrontation between realism and idealism occupying a prominent place. The starting point for this conference is the development of quantum physics that started […]
Institutional Workshop Mecila’s Information Infrastructure 12th – 14th September 2022 A special information infrastructure provides all members of Mecila with the necessary research literature and relevant information sources, as independently of time and place as possible. This information infrastructure is […]
Brasil: Luta pelos direitos indígenas e a preservação da Floresta Amazônica Perspectivas e pontos de vista dos movimentos sociais antes das eleições Quando: Terça-feira, 06.09.2022, 18-20:00 h Localização: Brot für die Welt (Sala 0.K.06 Christian Berg), Caroline-Michaelis-Str.1, 10115 Berlin Conversa com: […]
O Colóquio Internacional Na Semana que vem: História e futuro da Semana de 22 é uma realização conjunta da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e da Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), e conta com o apoio da Pró-Reitora de Extensão […]
Can politically inspired property damage or destruction be justified? This is the question that Professor William Scheuerman (University of Indiana) will discuss on 11 August – 2pm, at CEBRAP, at his Mecila Distinguished Lecture «Politically Motivated Property Damage». The lecture […]
As eleições gerais de outubro de 2022 se revestem de uma importância extraordinária para o presente e o futuro do Brasil. Depois dos anos recentes marcados por enorme polarização política e pela ameaça diuturna às instituições democráticas, a eleição corresponderá, […]
Joint Lecture Series Making Sense of the Post-Covid World: Continuities and Changes 26 April 2022 – 19 July 2022 Tuesdays 1:00 p.m. (Rio de Janeiro), 6:00 p.m. (Berlin and Hamburg) The pandemic has produced ambivalent consequences for social life. Intersectional […]