15 mar

[2018] Inauguración de las actividades en México y Workshop Internacional “Convivialidad y Migración”,

El Colegio de MExico (COLMEX)

Sobre o evento

On March 15th 2018, Mecila celebrated the inauguration of its activities at COLMEX, Mexico City, with the participation of the COLMEX presidency as well as of German authorities in Mexico. The introductory panel addressed both the historical debates on conviviality as brought forth in Cuernavaca by Ivan Illich in the 1970ies and present uses of the term conviviality. In the subsequent international workshop “Convivialidad y Migración” on March 16th, empirical and theoretical perspectives on conviviality in contexts of migration (Brazil, Senegal, Spain, and mainly Mexico) were discussed. Focusing different experiences of mobility (internal displacements, forced and voluntary return migration, labor migration, new collectivities), urban neighborhoods, schools, festivities, sports, video productions and employment were critically analyzed as (potential) spheres of conviviality and integration.
To view the full programme click here. 








Workshop COLMEX 2018 Image Credit: COLMEX